Creative Assembly is the studio that’s popular for making Alien Isolation and the Total War franchise. The former was previously released on mobile platforms.

Now, it bringing us a new multiplayer shooter called Hyenas

We were just hit with a trailer (via Engadget) showing us just a bit of the game, and it looks really interesting. Since it’s a multiplayer game, we’re not sure if there’s any sort of campaign mode with a story. It’s likely only going to be based on multiplayer combat. Looking at the trailer, you’ll be able to select from a roster of unique characters with different traits and personalities. You’ll use these characters to do combat in different locations on Mars. Not only that but one unique thing about this game seems to be the zero-gravity combat. We’ll have to wait and see how that plays out. While Hyenas is a multiplayer shooter, there seems to be some sort of story behind it. It looks like your main goal (or one of them) will be stealing from martian billionaires. It might be sort of a Robin Hood type of scenario. What are you stealing? It might be merch. There’s an emphasis, both in the trailer and on the site, on stealing merchandise. We’ve seen trinkets like a Rubik’s cube and, of course, a Sonic The Hedgehog keychain. We expect to see more merch when the game launches and afterward through DLC. The graphical style is interesting with its dystopian future aesthetic. Even though they have this style, they’re still really colorful and fun-looking. The characters are all unique with their own look and fashion style. Everything has a painted graphical style that gives it a gritty yet cartoonish look. We can’t deny a bit of Overwatch and Fortnite inspiration, but it still maintains its own identity.

 Excited for this game?

We don’t know when Hyenas is going to launch, but it will come out for the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. There’s a chance that you can get your hands on it early. There’s a closed alpha for the game that you can sign up for. Just follow the link to the official site, and go through the process. You’ll need to create a CA account in order to sign up, and the site will tell you what computer specs you need to run it.